Bouquet of Roses and Baileys
The best option when you want to surprise your special one, I will send this exclusive Bouquet of Roses and Baileys includes:
- 12 roses
- Bailey’s Bottle
- Green Foliage
- Envelope
- Custom Card
The sale of intoxicating beverages to minors is prohibited. Law 124 of 1994. Excess alcohol is harmful to health. Law 30 of 1986.
- Description
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With this exclusive Bouquet of Roses and Baileys, you will be able to surprise in an original way, the touch is given by this accompaniment of a delicious bottle of Baileys that together with the Bouquet of Roses will leave that being you are trying to surprise speechless, you can choose the color of roses that we have available
Send him this spectacular hand corsage or bouquet of 12 roses and green foliage (without base) accompanied by a 375ml Bottle of Baileys and leave him speechless.
Additional information
Dimensions | 20 × 50 cm |
Color de Rosa | Fuchsia, Multicolored, Pink, Red (Default), White, Yellow |
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